WHFF.TV Cast Call For Parent Child Separation


WHFF.TV Cast Call For Parent Child Separation

05-27-2024 08:54 AM CET | Arts & Culture

Press release from: Generation Thirty Publishing

cast call parent-child separation

cast call parent-child separation

According to census.gov, in 2019, 37.7% of Black children lived with two married parents, and 4.5% of Black children under 18 lived with two unmarried parents. From 2009 to 2013, a higher proportion of children living with two unmarried parents were black and Hispanic than children living with two married parents. Black children are 50% more likely to be placed in foster care than the average white child, who has exactly the same chance of domestic abuse. The amount has increased disproportionately.

Researchers found that all 50 states allocated federal funds to remove black children without acknowledging or rectifying disparities. Congress and legislatures are witnessed as complacent in the details of these laws because of cost, change management and politics. "Once we as a society recognize the legal issues, it's up to us to put pressure on state legislatures to take action." Dr. Rachel Levich began the Shaping Your Own Future Firm [dr-rachel-levitch.cid-edu.org] and appeared in front of the Texas State Capitol to tell her story; "Racism in child protective services will not change until parents, especially black parents, overcome the shame of investigation." In the United States, the practice of separating children from their parents is commonplace. Our goal at Healthy Families First and Shaping Your Own Future Firm is analyzing parents of Black children removed from their homes.

The parenting channel [watch.whff.tv] advocates for caregivers to continue raising, educating and passing down oral stories of their genealogy through time and laughter, Black biological parents - need time to restore broken generations through slavery and now a broken system through federal dollars. The goal and vision are that black children can survive and thrive without the stress and pressures no other race of their peers' encounter. It is statistically known that children who are not raised by their biological parents suffer during the developmental stages of growth. Our job at WHFF.radio and WHFF.tv [subsidiary to the Cognitive Institute of Dallas] to provide you with the opportunity to first participate via the link [press-release.whff.tv/] and then to take part in the survey and receive cast call information. If you attend the cast call, you will be selected for a video stream on our media outlets including partner agreements. Your testimony will be historically documented so that your children can know your story, in your own way as a parent.

We're looking for participants as the gap of displacement grows. In 2019, half of Black children in America lived with only one parent [ technically 50.8%] and although divorced parents are more likely to share custody, there are prevalent factors that prevent a child(ren)s' access to two parents in Black households. At With Healthy Families First [WHFF] Broadcasting and Media, our mission is to create family-based opportunities to address these issues. Our job is to educate and inform parents; as well continually addressing low self-esteem in parenting and self-image as adults with long-term effects of low-to-no contact with children. Congress and legislators have become lazy and incompetent to fix these dysfunctions in a family system they monitor and fund.

There are so many challenges to family reunification that the Cognitive Institute of Dallas and partners have to diagnose, analyze, and solve them. Register at press-release.whff.tv or contact egilbert@whff.tv.

Generation Thirty Publishing Co.
325 N St Paul St
Dallas, Texas 75201

With Healthy Families First [WHFF] Broadcast & Media WHFF.TV is to promote the well-being of minority children and families: primarily because of American ancestral slavery; notwithstanding all minority children. We do this by a) making accessible historical events in digital formats of the experience and tyranny or systemic abuse where African American children and families are concerned within the courts judicial system.

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