WHFF.TV Sponsors Restoration of Black and Hispanic Families


WHFF.TV Sponsors Restoration of Black and Hispanic Families

Since the merger of Cognitive Institute of Dallas and Healthy Family, we initially predicted that video creation would become more and more fun and social for the general public. Predictions for the next three years show that content creation will become increasingly commercialized and professionally produced in the privacy of one's home. According to Creator Economy Statistics for 2024, there are currently more than 200 million content creators worldwide. Our goal is to build a bridge between parents and children in the hope of reconciling parent-child separations caused by family services.

Cognitive Institute of Dallas has always emphasized that its goal is to lead the dialogue and take action on social injustice and has plans to restore families whose parents have high recidivism of the family court systems. This includes rates of family services, and returned to prison, as well as those whose parents are financially supported by states housing and low-income services.

Also, according to foster care statistics provided by the Annie E. Casey Foundation, black children make up 14% of the total child population, but 22% of children in foster care [https://www.aecf.org/blog/us-foster-care-population-by-race-and-ethnicity]. This means that race appears to play a role, as the percentage of children in foster care is most often black or African American. The total number of children in foster care in the United States in 2021 is 168,000 children of all races, compared to 86,000 children in foster care, statistically speaking, were black or African Americans. This means that over 50% of children in foster care in 2021 are African American.

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