WHFF.TV Cast Call For Parent Child Separation


WHFF.TV Cast Call For Parent Child Separation

05-27-2024 08:54 AM CET | Arts & Culture

Press release from: Generation Thirty Publishing

cast call parent-child separation

cast call parent-child separation

According to census.gov, in 2019, 37.7% of Black children lived with two married parents, and 4.5% of Black children under 18 lived with two unmarried parents. From 2009 to 2013, a higher proportion of children living with two unmarried parents were black and Hispanic than children living with two married parents. Black children are 50% more likely to be placed in foster care than the average white child, who has exactly the same chance of domestic abuse. The amount has increased disproportionately.

Read More: https://www.openpr.com/news/3512095/whff-tv-cast-call-for-parent-child-separation

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